Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Session 1 (200 xp)

"A suspicious mind is a healthy mind"

Acolytes: Jarr, Metalus, Meghera, Mongrel.

The Acolytes are briefed by Medicae-Interrogator Sands about the death of a Saul Arbest, a lowly worker from the Coscarla hive (on Scintilla). Heretic grafts have been implanted in his body, and the Acolyte must investigate who is responsible for this.

The Acolytes infiltrate Coscarla, and realize the place is a nest of corruption and degrade. They make contact with Arbest's sister, Lili, who still believes her brother's alive. The Acolytes extend her their protection, and settle her in the Coscarla Hostel.

Their investigation leads them to the Third Worker's Union Hall, where they meet the narco-boss Luntz. A gun-fight ensues, where Metalus is wounded and taken hostage.

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