Friday, June 22, 2012

Session 7 (200 xp)

"Forgiveness is a sign of weakness."

Acolytes: Mongrel, Jarr, Metalus, Gallia, Meghera, Dar.

The Acolytes are debriefed from the previous assignment, and Mongrel is imparted a lesson in subtetly by the Inquisition.

After some downtime, the Acolytes are sent to Acreage, to the city of Orlakan, to investigate rumors of a death cult. They make planet-fall on Emperor's Island, a floating space-port in the middle of the sea. There, they arrange for transport to the mainland, but are forced to deal with mercenaries and corrupt militia.

The continent of Askandia is deep into civil war, and the city of Orlankan is under siege. The Acolytes manage to break through, and begin their investigation of the misterious murders and disappearances.

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