Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Magnus (dead)

"There is no substitute for zeal."

Tech-Priest, Imperial World played by Thomas)

Magnus grew up on the War world of Protasia. Apprenticed to an old techpriest, he learned much and served as the hands and eyes for his master during his apprenticeship. He scoured battlefields for technology that could be salvaged. He survived the world and the dangers of fresh battlefields daily.

His master was in a feud with one of the local commanders. After he passed on, the commander quickly used what connections he could to get Magnus "promoted" to the inquisition, to get rid of any influence the master might have exerted on other individuals, hoping that the techpriest would quickly die. To Magnus it is a chance, as a once glorified scavenger, he learned to view any situation as an opportunity.

Death: he sacrificed himself to bring down the monk Theodosia of the Serrated Query, immolating both of them in the fiery explosion of a dozen fire-bombs.

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