Thursday, September 27, 2012

J.J. Monroe (dead)

"Innocence is an Illusion"

Guardsman, Imperial World

Strife was all he learned on the War World of Kulth. The constant battles agains the Orks made him a veteran soldier at the age of 14. For several years, he never knew peace, nor defeat, until his platoon was decimated and he was taken prisoner by the monstrous creatures.

He does not speak of his years of imprisonment, only of the day when the Empire found him in his dirty cell. Fearing the Taint, he was delivered to the Inquisition, who forged him into and even deadlier weapon at the service of the Administratum.

Death: An altercation with Serghar degenerated in a gun fight, and Monroe was shot and killed by fellow Acolyte Lazerus.

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