Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Session 19 (600 xp)

"Purge the unclean"

Acolytes: Meghera, Mongrel, Dar, Aenid.

The Acolytes barricade themselves with the Arbitrators inside the Operational Centre. Warp Zombies attack from all sides, trying to find a way inside. A few Zombies carry explosives, to destroy the support bridges of the Arbitrators HQ, and have the whole compound fall to the bottom of the Harrow.

Finally Assod Morirr makes his appearance, but once again he seems invulnerable to anything the Acolytes can throw at him. Ulbrexis manages to shoot him once, and Morirr is actually wounded!

Ulbrexis dies from a chest wound, but finds the strength to whisper a few words to Meghera: "my blood..."

Meghera soaks her chain sword in Ulbrexis' blood, and wounds Morirr. Dar follows her example, and cuts the mutant in two. As Assod Morirr dies, all the warp zombies fall apart. The Broken Chains are no more, and the Harrow has been saved.

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